Executive Program MBA Poznań-Atlanta


Instructor:                  Dr. Satish Nargundkar

E-mail:                        snargundkar@gsu.edu

Phone:                        +1 678-644-6838


Operations and Process Management


This course will introduce the key elements of a firm’s Operations Strategy. This includes planning and decision making in the areas of Capacity Planning, Supply Networks, Process Technology and Organizational Development.  Emphasis in this course will be on the process improvement methodologies of Lean and Six Sigma. Specifically, the various concepts and tools discussed will include 5S, Value Stream Mapping, Process Flow Charts, and the entire DMAIC process. Basic statistical tools and techniques will also be discussed as needed. 


Objectives & Learning Outcomes:


Upon successful completion of the course, you will be able to:


1.       Demonstrate a broad understanding of the role of operations strategy in business.

2.       Explain the four Vs of demand and their effect on operations.

3.      Give examples of the five key performance objectives – Quality, Speed, Dependability, Flexibility, and Cost – as they apply to different organizations.

4.      Explain in your own words the four key decision areas in operations - Capacity Planning, Supply Networks, Process Technology and Organizational Development.

5.      Analyze the Operations Strategy of an organization and create an Operations Strategy Matrix to describe it.

6.      Define some basic LSS terminology.

7.      Apply the process view in dealing with business issues - Identify opportunities for process improvement in a business.

8.      Make a business case for doing the project – what are the potential costs and benefits?

9.      Follow the DMAIC methodology to improve a process. Specifically,

a.      Clearly define the objective of a process improvement project (SMART objective). Identify the outcome metric.

b.     Create a process flow chart and/or a Value Stream Map of the process as needed.

c.      Identify potential root causes that affect the outcome. Map them in a fishbone diagram.

d.     Collect data and analyze it to discover the most important predictors of the outcome variable.

e.      Recommend actions for improvement to the process based on the analysis.

f.       Show the difference between the old and new processes with flow charts and outcomes compared side-by-side.

g.     Create a plan to monitor and sustain the improvements going forward.







Class Schedule:



Discussion Topics

Activities / Resources

Assignments Due

Saturday, October 12, 2024

9:00 - 10:30


Course Overview

Defining Ops Strategy,

Lean, and Six Sigma


Lecture / discussion


Dataset for Variation



10:45 – 12:15

Operations Strategy Outcomes and Decision Areas.


Lecture / discussion

Small Group Exercise


Sample Write-up


Team Assignment due in 2 weeks.

13:00 - 14:30

Minicase Furniture

Lean Tools

Hurricane Sandy - Toyota


Furniture Maker


14:45 – 16:15




Lean Tools Continued

Understanding WIP

Value Stream Map.



Lean Simulation of 3-step manufacturing process






Sunday, October 13, 2024

9:00 - 10:30

Six Sigma: The DMAIC Methodology Overview



10:45 – 12:15

The PAYUP Insurance case: Define and Measure : Dataset

Work in Excel on Insurance Case Dataset: Descriptive Stats

Individual Assignment Due in 2 weeks

13:00 - 14:30

The Insurance case

Analyze, Improve, Control


Regression Analysis

Simple Regression

Multiple Regression

Work in Excel on Insurance Case Dataset: Regression Analysis


Other Resources

Shoe Size Data

Lung Capacity Data


14:45 – 16:15



Intro to other Topics – Simulation, Optimization.






Preparation for Course: Coming to class ready to participate fully is all the preparation that is required. If your skills in Excel are weak, perhaps practice some basics of Excel from YouTube videos. Bring a laptop with Excel on it to work on in class.


Suggested Books (Optional): You can look at other online sources if the books are not available.

1.             Operations Strategy, 5th Edition, Nigel Slack and Michael Lewis, Pearson.

SBN-13: 978-1292162492; ISBN-10: 129216249X

2.            Lean Six Sigma for Service:  How to Use Lean Speed and Six Sigma Quality to Improve Services and Transactions, Michael L. George

ISBN-13: 978-0071418218; ISBN-10: 9780071418218



Attendance policy


This workshop constitutes an important part of your education in the Poznan-Atlanta

Program.  We ask that you uphold the highest possible standards of professionalism and responsibility with respect to your attendance, participation, and contribution to the course.


If you know in advance that the class’s schedule conflicts with one or more planned-for obligations, professional or personal, it is your duty to inform the instructor(s) ahead of time so that we know that you will be missing part(s) of the course, when, and why. In turn, we will make suitable arrangements for you and your team.


If you have to miss one or more part(s) of the course for emergency reasons (family, professional, or others), during the course of the workshop itself, it is your duty to inform the instructor(s) as this emergency arises, to explain the situation, inform us of when you plan to leave and come back, and request the permission to leave without incurring a failing grade for the workshop. Failure to follow any of the above guidelines will be considered as a failure of your obligations / responsibilities for the class and will negatively affect your grade. Please contact the instructor(s) / Program Administrator(s) if you have any questions.


Participation and Contribution to Team Project (or lack thereof). As we are organizing this course based on standard requirements and expectations commonly upheld in Premier American, European and Asian MBA Programs, we demand that you take an active part not only in the entire course, in the group projects, in all the relevant assignment in and outside of class, but also that you make timely, positive, and substantive contributions to your team.


To the extent that we observe that your participation/contribution to the course falls below

commonly accepted professional standards, the instructor(s) and/or Program Administrator(s) reserve the rights to either:

a)      Award you a failing grade (which will effectively ask you to re-take the course in a subsequent semester).

b)     Make a written mention of your limited contribution on your transcript.

c)      Ask you to complete supplemental assignment(s) in a timely and satisfactory manner to meet the course requirements.

d)     Other obligations determined in accordance with needs and situation.


Grading scale:



Assignment 1: 60%



Assignment 2: 40%



Email to me in 2 weeks.







2 (failed)

Less than 55%