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MGS 3100 – Business Analysis [and Honors Business Analysis]

Spring 2015 Syllabus


Instructor: Dr. Satish Nargundkar 
Office: 827 College of Business 

Office Hours:  By appointment 
Phone: 678-644-6838 


CRN:   12050 ALC 224 8:00 – 9:15 AM

            12051 ALC 213 9:30 – 10:45 AM (Honors)  



·         Knowledge of basic algebra (If you do not have the stated prerequisite, you should drop now and attempt this course only after you have satisfied it.)

·         Proficiency in Microsoft Excel®



1.      Business Analysis Exercises, by Nargundkar, S. & Samaddar, S., (Required text) available at Alphagraphics, 34 Peachtree St., North of the Five Points intersection.


2.      You may buy (optional text) a custom book of selected chapters from the following online source:


Attendance/Class Participation:

You are expected to attend and meaningfully participate in all classes (who knows, you may actually enjoy the class!) Assignments and projects remain due on the designated date regardless of class attendance. If you do miss a class, you are responsible for remaining current.


Honor Code:

It is more honorable to get any grade with your own work than to get a better grade by using someone else’s work as yours. While discussion with classmates is encouraged, any work submitted must be your own (or your group’s, for group projects). Evidence of plagiarism/cheating on an assignment/exam will result in a failing grade for that assignment/exam, or even for the course.



The projects and the instructions for completing them will be discussed in class. Each project is a group assignment. Students should organize themselves into groups of three soon after the beginning of the semester. 









Course Average


Course Average






94-96, 97+

A, A+



Projects (2)








Tests (3)








Final Exam








Mentor Paper






Less than 60











Late projects will be penalized at a rate of 5% per day. No make up tests will be given. The final exam score will replace your worst test score, unless the final exam score is lower.


Course Assessment:

Your constructive assessment of this course plays an indispensable role in shaping education at Georgia State. Upon completing the course, please take the time to fill out the online course evaluation.


General Course Objectives:

To demonstrate the application of models in support of decision making in an enterprise, using some of the most commonly used modeling approaches and principles. Upon completion of the course, the student should:

1.      Demonstrate competence in analysis/development of some common models mathematically, graphically, and with a spreadsheet.

2.      Be able to interpret model results in the context of the business situation and explain them in plain language.

3.      Demonstrate the ability to present information on a simple web page.

Specific Course Objectives:

In order to earn a grade of ‘A’ in the course, the student should, upon completion of the course, be able to:



1.      Define basic modeling terms, including (but not limited to) Physical model, Analog model, Symbolic model, Deterministic model, Probabilistic model, Decision Variable, Random Variable, Parameter, Performance Variable, Revenue, Fixed Cost, Variable Cost, Overhead Cost, Sunk Cost, Demand, Price.

2.      Explain the overview of the modeling process, including types of models, data collection, analysis, and interpretation.

Profit Models and Simulation

3.      Analyze a business situation to identify revenues, costs, and other parameters relevant to the modeling process.

4.      Draw an influence diagram to map the relationships between different variables of interest.

5.      Build a basic profit model both with a spreadsheet and without.

6.      Perform breakeven analysis algebraically and graphically, and with a spreadsheet.

7.      Perform Crossover analysis algebraically and graphically, both with a spreadsheet and without.

8.      Interpret the results of Breakeven and Crossover analyses.

9.      Find the price that maximizes profit, given a demand function, algebraically and graphically, both with a spreadsheet and without.

10.  Compare and contrast Simulation with other types of modeling.

11.  Determine when simulation is an appropriate technique to use.

12.  Use random numbers from a random number table or a spreadsheet function.

13.  Construct cumulative probability distributions.

14.  Simulate discrete (two valued or many valued) random variables.

15.  Graph the results of the simulations and interpret.

Time Series Forecasting

16.  Define the types of forecasting – Quantitative (causal and time series) and Qualitative.

17.  Forecast using the following methods for time-series data (on a spreadsheet):

a.       Naïve

b.      Moving Averages

c.       Simple Exponential Smoothing

d.      Regression (Simple, Quadratic, Logarithmic)

e.       Classical Decomposition (Trend and Seasonality)

18.  Compute Bias, MAD (Mean Absolute Deviation), MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error), Standard Error, and R-Squared (for regression only) for each of the forecasting methods.

19.  Compare and contrast the different time-series forecasting methods.

20.  Interpret the results of the different forecasting methods.

Decision Analysis

21.  Differentiate between Decision making under ignorance, risk, and certainty.

22.  Define the terms Decision Alternative, States of Nature, Payoff.

23.  Compute payoff matrix for a given business scenario.

24.  Define the criteria for choosing the best decision.

25.  Determine the best decision using the MAXIMAX, MAXIMIN, Laplace-Bayes, MINIMAX-Regret criteria.

26.  Compute Expected Value (EV), EV under Perfect Information (EVUPI), EV of Perfect Information (EVPI), Expected Opportunity Loss(EOL).

27.  Explain why the minimum EOL is the same as EVPI.

28.  Construct a decision tree.

29.  Define decision nodes, chance nodes, branches, payoffs, probabilities, pruning of branches.

30.  Compute posterior probabilities using Bayes’ Theorem, and incorporate them into analysis.


Honors Section

A few extra topics will be discussed for the honors section. These can be seen in the class schedule.


Accommodations for students with disabilities
Georgia State University complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Students with disabilities who seek academic accommodations must first take appropriate documentation to the Office of Disability Services locate in Suite 230 of the New Student Center.