EDBA 9080: Quantitative Methods I

Syllabus for Spring 2022



Instructor: Dr. Satish Nargundkar 
Office: RCB 727, 35 Broad St., ATL

Office Hours:  By appointment 

E-Mail: snargundkar@gsu.edu    

Phone: (678) 644 6838  


Residencies: [Click here for detailed schedule]


Jan 28:

Jan 29:



9:00 AM – 1:00 PM

2:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Feb 25:

Feb 26:



9:00 AM – 1:00 PM

2:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Mar 25:

Mar 26:



9:00 AM – 1:00 PM

2:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Apr 22:

Apr 23:



9:00 AM – 1:00 PM

2:00 PM – 6:00 PM



Text: Burns, Robert B. and Richard A. Burns (2014), Business Research Methods and Statistics Using SPSS, London: Sage Publications. ISBN: 978-1-4129-4530-1.



1.      Stat Prep Course offered by Dr. Ginger Lange. The EDBA Quantitative Methods sequence (EDBA 9080, 9100, Quant Methods Workshop) requires a common, baseline knowledge of statistical concepts. To ensure that everyone has successfully completed this prerequisite, 25% of your EDBA 9080 grade will be determined by the final grade in the Stat Prep course. If Stat Prep grade is too low, opportunity will be given to improve that.


2.      Excel and SPSS installed on your laptops. The EDBA program office can instruct you on downloading and installing SPSS software.


Course Description: This course is designed to provide students with a command of the core concepts and tools needed to design, collect, evaluate and analyze quantitative data. The course will cover empirical data collection methods, such as surveys, and sampling methods, as well as various types of data and appropriate analysis techniques. This would include univariate and bivariate statistics (i.e., chi-square, t- and z-test, ANOVA, correlation, and regression). In addition, the course helps students gain some proficiency in using Excel/SPSS to analyze and interpret results. This syllabus is a general plan for the course, providing policies and guidelines. As necessary, I may change the course requirements including adding or dropping graded components.




Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

1.         Explain in your own words an overview of quantitative analysis tools and their applications.

2.         Convert research questions to hypotheses that are testable in a quantitative study. This requires the ability to translate a concept or construct into measurable variables.

3.         Demonstrate a clear understanding of the basic statistical terminology, including population, sample, sample size, dependent variable, independent variable, and observation.

4.         Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of various data collection methods. Choose and design an appropriate method to collect data to test hypotheses.

5.         Design and evaluate survey questions (e.g. identify different types of questions; data scales; make decisions about appropriate question content, wording, response format; and, question placement and sequence in your instrument).

6.         Demonstrate an understanding of sampling and of sampling techniques, including how to determine sample size, sources of error associated with sampling (e.g., response bias).

7.         Choose appropriate analysis methods to address the hypotheses.

8.         Interpret results of hypothesis tests.

9.         Explain p-values, Type I and Type II errors.

10.     Perform Regression analysis and interpret results.

11.     Correctly use SPSS to analyze data.

12.     Translate quantitative results into readable manuscripts

13.     Identify and mitigate ethical challenges and various biases in quantitative research








Course Average


Course Average


Stat Prep Course



94-96, 97+

A, A+

















Team Project












Less than 60



Late assignments will be penalized 10% for up to a week, after which they will not be accepted.


The team project will involve coming with a plan to answer a research question with appropriate quantitative techniques. A literature review that leads to a research question, discussion of how you would set up reasonable hypotheses, conduct appropriate tests, and interpret the results and discuss implications is expected.



Academic Honesty:

Students are expected to recognize and uphold standards of intellectual and academic integrity in all work. The university assumes as a basic and minimum standard of conduct in academic matters that students be honest and that they submit for credit only the products of their own efforts. See Appendix.


NOTE: All written assignments are automatically submitted to Turn-It-In, the iCollege platform’s originality detection service. (See http://www.turnitin.com/.)


The following are some instances of academic dishonesty:

         Failing to indicate full and accurate attribution to the correct author/creator. This includes marginally altering material taken from another source and calling it your own creation. Plagiarism includes material taken from internet sources. Proper citation requires quote marks or other distinctive set off for the material, followed directly by a reference to the source.

         Cheating on examinations,

         Unauthorized collaboration with others





University Policy on Grades of “I” (“Incomplete”)

The notation of “I” may be given to a student who, for nonacademic reasons beyond his or her control, is unable to meet the full requirements of a course. In order to qualify for an “I”, a student must:

• Have completed most of the major assignments of the course (generally all but one); and

• Be earning a passing grade in the course (aside from the assignments not completed) in the judgment of the instructor.

When a student has a nonacademic reason for not completing one or more of the assignments for a course, including examinations, and wishes to receive an incomplete for the course, it is the responsibility of the student to inform the instructor in person or in writing of the reason.

The grade of “I” is awarded at the discretion of the instructor and is not the prerogative of the student. Conditions to be met for removing an “I” are established by the instructor. Registering in a subsequent semester for a course in which a grade of incomplete has been received will not remove the grade of incomplete. No student may graduate with an “I” on his or her record.


GSU Disruptive Student Behavior Policy

Disruptive student behavior is student behavior in a classroom or other learning environment (to include both on and off-campus locations), which disrupts the educational process. Disruptive class* behavior for this purpose is defined by the instructor. Such behavior includes, but is not limited to, verbal or physical threats, repeated obscenities, unreasonable interference with class discussion, making/receiving personal phone calls, text messages

or pages during class, excessive tardiness, leaving and entering class frequently in the absence of notice to instructor of illness or other extenuating circumstances, and persisting in disruptive personal conversations with other class members. For purposes of this policy, it may also be considered disruptive behavior for a student to exhibit threatening, intimidating, or other inappropriate behavior toward the instructor or classmates outside of class. Complete details at http://codeofconduct.gsu.edu/files/2013/03/Disruptive-Student-Conduct-in-the-Classroom-or-Other-Learning-Environment-April-2006.pdf.


GSU Policy on Academic Honesty

Students are expected to recognize and uphold standards of intellectual and academic integrity. The University assumes as a basic and minimum standard of conduct in academic matters that students be honest and that they submit for credit only the products of their own efforts. Both the ideals of scholarship and the need for fairness require that all dishonest work be rejected as a basis for academic credit. They also require that students refrain from any and all forms of dishonorable or unethical conduct related to their academic work.


Complete details at http://deanofstudents.gsu.edu/files/2013/03/2013-14-Academic-Honesty-Policy-Only-Revised-March-15-2012.pdf


Sexual Harassment

In instances of sexual misconduct, the present instructor(s) and teaching assistants, are designated as Responsible Employees who are required to share with administrative officials all reports of sexual misconduct for university review. If you wish to disclose an incident of sexual misconduct confidentially, there are options on campus for you do so. For more information on this policy, please refer to the Sexual Misconduct Policy which is included in the Georgia State University Student Code of Conduct.


Special Needs

Students who wish to request accommodation for a disability may do so by registering with the Office of Disability Services. Students may only be accommodated upon issuance by the Office of Disability Services of a signed Accommodation Plan and are responsible for providing a copy of that plan to instructors of all classes in which accommodations are sought.

Students with special needs should then make an appointment with me during the first week of class to discuss any accommodations that need to be made.



In keeping with USG and university policy, this course website will make every effort to maintain the privacy and accuracy of your personal information. Specifically, unless otherwise noted, it will not actively share personal information gathered from the site with anyone except university employees whose responsibilities require access to said records. However, some information collected from the site may be subject to the Georgia Open Records Act. This means that while we do not actively share information, in some cases we may be compelled by law to release information gathered from the site. Also, the site will be managed in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which prohibits the release of education records without student permission.