A sampling of completed Black Belt Projects




1.            Andy Booth

Dental claims rework

2.            Anthony

IT – Software Projects – features, defects

3.            Anonymous – Plastec Stream

Reducing scrap at extrusion for foam packaging

4.            Andres Berdugo

Improving pace at a triathlon

5.            Charles Powerpoint

6.            Charles Report

Reducing cycle time for resolving customer calls

7.            Chivonne & Torchessa

Improving breast cancer screening rate

8.            David Bloomquist Summary

9.            David Bloomquist Report

Patient discharge scheduling at a hospital

10.        Darby Adolphsen and Mark Bowen

Reduce patient wait time, increase throughput

11.        Feon Hughes

Improving graduate admissions yield

12.        Shahnawaz (Shan) Farid

Database reconciliation time